IMPRESS project (logo)

IMProving Railway sEcurity through awareneSS and training

IMPRESS project (illustrative image)


Aim of the project

IMPRESS aims at improving the protection of stations and trains by developing security training and awareness programmes for all stakeholders in rail stations and on trains.

The scope of the training includes security culture in general, with a wide range of significant threats for several European rail operators, and CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and explosive) threats specifically, which represent a more challenging scenario.

The IMPRESS project will focus on the ‘immediate responders’ from the railway environment, or those who are most likely to be the first to prevent or react to a security incident when it occurs on railway premises. This target group of end-users includes rail staff at stations and onboard trains, security staff, staff from station shops, cleaning staff as well as other service providers.

Main objectives


Improving the protection of trains and stations against terrorist-related threats.


Enhancing public-private cooperation and good practices in trains and stations.


Raising security awareness of the stakeholders working in stations and trains.


Developing awareness and guidance materials for CBRNe threat.

Facts & Figures

Project Acronym: IMPRESS
Call ID and Topic: ISF-2022-TF1-AG-PROTECT
Grant Agreement No: 101100521
EU Contribution: € 952 546.63
Starting date: 1 June 2023
Duration: 24 months
Coordinator: UIC Security Division
IMPRESS rail project brochure

IMPRESS projet – Flyer


The core work will be divided in three work phases represented by three technical work packages.

First an assessment of training needs to ensure security in the rail environment will be performed through a review of past project results. We will also develop and implement a questionnaire to identify the relevant target groups and their specific training and security awareness needs. Through UIC and its partners with an international outreach, the project will collect the training needs in Europe and beyond.

Based on these specifications, different awareness and training modules will be designed.

Two workshops will be organised with the end-users to define and validate the design of these modules, which will then be developed by experts in both training and security.

Once produced, the modules will be tested and evaluated by the rail companies in the consortium. This will provide feedback from the end-users that will be taken into account to adapt and improve the training modules.

IMPRESS Project results will be disseminated through the UIC Rail Security Hub, an online platform where users will be able to easily retrieve information on security solutions, provide inputs and share comments and operational experiences.

IMPRESS WPs Organisation

IMPRESS project – Work packages organisation


Coordinated by the UIC Security Division, the project will be implemented in partnership with the security services of several major European railway companies and one police university.

UIC, the international union of railways (logo)
DHPOL logo
Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane - logo
Nederlandse Spoorwegen logo
PKP logo
SNCB logo

Advisory Board

An Advisory Board, composed of key stakeholders with relevant expertise and knowledge about the project topics and activities, supports the consortium throughout the project from a strategic point of view, providing inputs and feedback on project outcomes.

The current advisory board members are as follows:

International organisations

  • RAILPOL (European Network of Railway Police Forces)
  • COLPOFER (Collaboration des Services de Police Ferroviaire et de Sécurité)
  • UITP (International Association for Public Transport)

Rail companies

If you wish to apply to join the IMPRESS Advisory Board, please contact us.

Deliverables & Publications

WP or Deliverable NumberWP or Deliverable NameLead participantDissemination LevelDue Date
WP1Project management and coordination UIC
D1.1Quality assurance planUICSENJuly 2023
D1.2Mid-term report progressUICSENJuly 2024
D1.3Output and results indicatorsUICSENMay 2025
WP2Training needs assessmentUIC
D2.1Security training needs in rail environmentUICSENNovember 2023
WP3Training programme / curriculum development DHPOL
D3.1Report on the design of the global training programme/curriculum DHPolSENMarch 2024
D3.2Training modules – First versionDHPolSENSeptember 2024
D3.3Training modules – Revised versionDHPolSENMay 2025
WP4WP4 Curriculum implementation, testing, validationSNCB
D4.1Report on the training sessions UICSENOctober 2024
D4.2Report on the evaluationDHPolSENMarch 2025
WP5Communication, Dissemination and ExploitationUIC
D5.1IMPRESS public website with a restricted areaUICPUJuly 2023
D5.2Project brochureUICPUJuly 2023
D5.3Dissemination and exploitation plan – First versionUICPUNovember 2023
D5.4Dissemination and exploitation plan – Final versionUICPUMay 2025

(IM)PRESS Reviews

3rd Edition

Based on a Rail Security Media Monitoring carried out from 1st March to 31st May 2024.

2nd Edition

Based on a Rail Security Media Monitoring carried out from 1st December 2023 to 1st March 2024

1st Edition

Based on a Rail Security Media Monitoring carried out from 1st June to 1st December 2023


GDPR Agreement

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.